​Our Workers
Introducing the hardworking team that makes our church a wonderful place to be!
Our Pastoral Committee and Board of Trustees
Susan Messenger
President, Board of Trustees
Susan is a Commissioned Healer and a longtime member of our church. She helps out in many areas of our church and serves as a Healer at our services.
Mary Engelbart
Treasurer, Board of Trustees
Mary is a long-time member of our church. She is a student at the Morris Pratt Institute and is a Reiki Master and Certified Hypnotist.
Carrie Markowiak-Trustee
Board of Trustees
Carrie is a longtime member of our church.
Julie Cuellar
Pastoral Committee Chairperson
Julie has been a member of our church for many years. Julie serves as a medium at our services.
Jeri Jackson
Jeri is a member of our church and is also a Pranic healer.
Nydia Tremblay -Trustee
Board of Trustees
Nydia is a new member of our church.She is also a student at
Morris Pratt.
Mary Kramber
Pastoral Committee Member
Mary is a longtime member of our church. Mary serves as a healer at our church services.
Bob Harrington
Pastoral Committee Member
Bob is a longtime member of our church. Bob serves as a healer at our church services.